Tuesday 2 July 2019

Update on my life - Oh I had a baby!

Ok so where do I begin.

I got to my goal weight early 2017, turned the dreaded 30, finally had my gallbladder out, had a baby!

So yes I got to my goal weight of 12 stone / 168 pounds in February 2017 in time for my 30th birthday in the May. We went away with family for my birthday weekend to celebrate. A week later I got on the scales at Slimming World (when I was still an active member) and I'd lost 9lbs! I was quite shocked as I'd been drinking, ate out nearly every night and had ice-cream on the way back to our lodge every night and I'd still managed to lose that much weight. So I decided to lower my target to 11 stone / 154 pounds. I never managed to get down to my new target weight, I kept swaying between the same couple of pounds and I couldn't work out why.

In June 2017 I finally had my gallbladder removed, no major complications just and issue with one of the incisions taking longer to heal than the others, during my time off work I had been going to an earlier Slimming World group, with the same consultant, just a daytime session instead of evening. I was nominated for group slimmer of the year. Before the awards night I had gone back to work and swapped back to the evening session just in time for their slimmer of the year awards night. The weekend I'd been to a friend's birthday party. It was a murder mystery night, we had such fun, it was a great night, I'd definitely recommend it. For my part in the murder mystery I had to wear an evening gown, my friend found me one in a charity shop for 50p and it fit perfectly when I tried it on. But on the night I could only just get the zip all the way up. It was as if I'd put a few pounds on but nothing had showed up on the scales. So I was sat at Slimming World listening to the slimmer of the year nominees do their little talks when Hannah stepped up and talked about how if it wasn't for
Slimming World she would not have met her partner and had her little boy the previous year. That's when it dawned on me that my period was late, which wasn't major as having PCOS it wasn't unusual for it to be late, but since losing weight my periods had become somewhat regular. So I decided that the next day I was take a test just for the sake of it, thinking it would be negative as I'd always been told it would never happen naturally due to the severity of my PCOS.

I woke up on the Tuesday morning and while getting ready for work I took a pregnancy test. Just before I left the house I checked it and low and behold there was that little blue line that would change our life.

I was so shocked and couldn't believe it that I didn't tell my husband, I left the house and went straight to the doctors and got a walk in appointment. Luckily it was my GP that I saw and she confirmed the positive result and calmed me down a little as I was in tears. Then I drove to work, luckily by the time I'd gotten to work I had calmed down, I was only a little bit late for work and I had the biggest grin on my face all day long. When I got home from work that night I told my husband the amazing news.

So it's no wonder I couldn't lose the weight to get down to the new target I had set myself, I can also say that I still haven't got down to that weight, or my original target.

I had a fairly uncomplicated pregnancy, just issues with my thyroid levels and finding out the baby was breech three days before we were due to move back to my family home over 90 miles away. Luckily the obstetrician was able to get me booked in to see the midwives for the day after we arrived (Saturday) and I then saw my new obstetrician on the Monday who confirmed the breech position. I was then booked in for a C-section 2 weeks later on Friday 13th April 2018. I went for my pre-op checks on the Thursday and everything was set for the C-section to go ahead the following day. Due to the excitement I didn't get to bed til around 11pm that night. At 1am on Friday 13th April I woke up as thought I was wetting the bed...... nope it was just my waters breaking. I woke my mum and husband up. Rang the hospital and off we set off to the hospital just a few hours earlier than planned. I ended up having an emergency C-section and our little girl was born at 3:19am on Friday 13th April 2018. She obviously wanted to enter the world on her time and no one else's. During the whole pregnancy I only gained 2 stone but I've still got a stubborn 7lbs that I can't seem to shift.

Our little one is now 14 months old and she's the best thing that has ever happened to us. Everyone tells you how quickly they grow but you don't realise just how fast til you've got your own little one. It feels like only yesterday by mum was driving me through to the hospital sat on a bin liner and beach towel.

During my pregnancy one of my sisters and I fell out. I don't want to go into the ins and outs of it on here. But what I do want to say is that if you are reading this I have forgiven, forgotten and regret that we haven't been able to reconcile. I want you to know that I think of you most days and it hurts me so much that we don't have any kind of relationship anymore and even more that you don't have one with your niece. I love you and hope that one day we can carve out a new relationship x

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